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Project 1.1
In this project the first thing we had to do was research images of fruits. This is the evidence of some of my secondary research. The Fruits that I found can be found on the left side of the of the image and my illustrations on the right.

Next, I had to use these fruit images to create a minimum of three fruit illustration using Adobe Illustrator. For the lemon I used the oval tool to give a boundary of the lemon.

Following the creation if the fruits i had to use the illustrations of these fruit to create a pattern.

As a sub project I had to produce a colour wheel in Adobe Illustrator and show the different harmonies

Overall Evaluation:
Drawing fruit using Adobe Illustrator for the first time was a bit daunting with the vast amount of tools that were all stacked on the left side of the screen.
I found the tools by asking my fellow classmates for suggestions and using the tool search function where each tool had a general guide of how to use them.
it wasn't too bad and it actually made the process of creating the fruits much easier. Illustrator's tools and features could have allowed for me to create detailed fruit illustrations if I put more time into little details (except the lemon) with little to no problems. For the base of the fruit I used Illustrator's library of shapes and patterns to make a starting point making the fruit. With practice, I could've quickly become proficient in creating fruit illustrations using Adobe Illustrator, but I didn't because I'm bad.
However, I feel like I could have added more detail to the fruits and made them look real but it was my first time using illustrator and second time replicating fruits
In my personal opinion I found the strawberry and watermelon the easiest to make because of the curves, for which I used the curvature tool. I was recommended to use the curvature tool because I found it easy to use and makes a perfect curve without much effort and time.
Writing this in post, there isn't much to learn because as I previously mentioned the tool search bar helped me find how to use all the tools and there on I explored most things that Illustrator can be useful for in my own personal projects.
Overall, Illustrator really helped me with this as it has the all the necessary tools
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