Use tools in Photoshop to make a face mash up. Selecting and blending different facial features to create a different face.
Using sourced photos of celebrities, create a movie poster for a
fictitious film. It can be for any genre of film (action, sci-fi, romance,
comedy). Use OBS recording software to record the work you produce in Photoshop.
The Design Process:
Project 1.3
To create this movie poster for Home Alone I searched for a picture of the inside of a house with a door and a clear view of outside. Then I cropped out Michael Jackson's face and put it in the window's glass. Then I added one the original kidnappers from Home Alone and made him put his head through the bottom of the door like Johnny from The Shining.
It couldn't be a Home Alone movie without Kevin, so I added him doing his iconic facial expression and turned the opacity down so he doesn't interfere with the visibility of the door
Mock Ups
To create these I got a picture of Keanu Reeves and Michael Jackson and created masks for the both of them where I took their eyes and nose and tried to make them look natural.
I do think that Michael's transformation looks more natural and fitting.
How I put this together: