Dan’s passion for photography started in college where he loved to be creative. His dedication for photography shows when he spent the whole summer taking photos only get 1 that he could do something with.
Dan finds that he is better taking pictures alone than with other people because he needs be likes to focus on taking the pictures.
Dan believes that the pictures that are not set are more aesthetically pleasing to him because it gives him a feeling of satisfaction.
I find Dan’s style of photography quite breathtaking as some people may see his images as normal things like some seaside rides with other photographers looking at his work and getting the same feeling as Dan has when he wants to take these photos. The fact that Dan could turn something as simple as an ice cream on floor into something beautiful really does blow me away in amazement.
Dan’s style of letting the pictures happen naturally is simple but effective which is what most photographers do not like doing because it takes too much time. This further shows why Dan stands out to the rest.
Some of Dan’s pictures:
The blurry background adds its own unique beauty to the image because it really shows that the soul of the image is the ice cream
The background of this image adds a layer of beauty because of the use of the calm colours of light blue and light shaded orange on the horizon.
Some of my pictures:
The way that each dog has their own facial expressions makes this the perfect image because they fit in well.
The colours of the snake slide create a warm and welcoming atmosphere along with where the paint has worn away adds a natural look, making it look like a beauty of nature. I would have liked to get a picture without the fence in the way.
The way that “LING” has become 3d by accident shows that sometimes rushing for pictures is an innovative idea for creative images.