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Project 1.9



Adobe Premiere Pro is software that you can use to edit videos. I used it for the second time to create a film clip and it was great because it was easy to use and has many features that helped me produce my own videos.

One of the best features is the timeline function, which allows you to easily make changes to your video. For me, this was quite irritating as I hadn't quite matched the audio to the video so everything looked out of place. I used a series of overhead shots so that it wasn't just a still image from one angle, as that would put the viewer off.

There are also many effects and transitions that can be added to the video, but I didn't add them because I didn't want to distract from their actual purpose.

Overall, Adobe Premiere Pro is a good choice for anyone who wants to make good videos. It is easy to use and has many features to help you create good videos.

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