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The frame rate (usually expressed in frames per second or FPS) is the frequency (rate) at which successive images (frames) are recorded or displayed. This definition applies to film and video cameras, computer animation and motion capture systems.

The highest FPS used for DVDs and broadcasting is 25 FPS (PAL) in the UK and 30 FPS (NTSC) in the USA

The highest FPS used in DVDs and broadcasting in the United Kingdom  is 25 (PAL) and The USA is 30 FPS (NTSC)

Resolution is a measure of the image quality produced by a printer or displayed on a monitor. It refers to the number of pixels or individual colour dots in an image.

White balance is a camera setting that adjusts the colours so that they look natural and unrealistic colour casts are removed.


An example of different advertisements for


My advert:

Wouldn't let me embed it because it's a YouTube shorts link which it does by default if a video is short


At the beginning of the task I got some shots of the Pringles can rolling towards and away from the camera, along with this I also got shots of the can opening "by itself" and to  accompany this I chose to throw some of the crisps up behind the Pringles tube so that it looked they were coming out. Another shot I did was of broken pieces of Pringles on the table so it looked like when they came out the tube they broke upon impact.


The only difficulty I encountered while filming was getting my hands in the way, especially  on the spinning and opening of the tube but that was resolved in editing with ease.


From the research I found what attracts the viewers eyes and keeps them interested and that is short, snappy and to the point adverts. I found after effects difficult to use at first because I was new (as most people are) to it but I quickly grew my knowledge of it and made my way through the task at hand. The advert without the text looked bland and the viewers wouldn't understand. But, with the text it brings more of a message that Pringles are so good that they're addicting  with the slogan "Once you pop, you can's stop".


Overall I think the outcome of the advert is near perfect, sure it may be all in 1 shot and not very eye appealing  or difficult to recreate but with the little resources I had I managed to make it work.


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