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​Diegetic sound refers to sounds which might be part of the tale world. Examples of diegetic sounds consist of:


  • Dialogue, consisting of internal monologue.

  • Music being performed in a restaurant, elevator, or other vicinity.

  • Sound consequences, consisting of explosions, rain drops, and vehicle engines.

  • Background track this is heard internal a bar or other region.

  • The communique of two or extra characters on the display

  • The conversation between characters off the screen inside the historical past


An example of diegetic sound is the narration in a film used to convey the characters’ point of view.





Non - Diegetic sound is any sound that does not come directly from the story world on the screen. There are examples of inaudibility.


Foley sound effects

Traditional film music or music

Voice-over narration

Non-movie-world sound

Characteristics of the character


Further example:

Another example of non-diegetic sound in films in the rocky movie when he’s running through the city.

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